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Writer's pictureChef James Oakley

Beef tartare, parmesan, anchovy, garlic candy and yuzu recipe

Parmesan cheese curd

3 egg yolk

125g cream

125g milk

120g Parmesan cheese (grated)

(1)In a pan bring to boil cream and milk

(2)Add Comte cheese and melt entirely

(3)In a bowl whisk together egg yolks, salt and cream, milk and cheese mix

(4)Return to pan and cook on a low heat continuously moving with a spatula until mixture reaches 80oC

(5)Pass through a fine sieve into a bowl over an ice bath until completely cool

(6)Retain in the fridge for later use

Anchovy dressing

2 egg yolks

10g Dijon mustard

30g cured anchovy fillets (tinned anchovies)

250 ml canola oil

10g mirin (Japanese rice vinegar)

(1) Blend together egg yolks, anchovies and mustard until fully incorporated

(2) Whilst continuously blending add oil very slowly a little at a time (too quick and the dressing will split) until oil is fully incorporated

(3) Add mirin and mix in until fully incorporated


130g yuzu juice

260g water

100g sugar

8g agar

Pinch of salt

(1) In a pan bring to boil yuzu, water and sugar

(2) Add agar and whilst whisking return to the boil then chill to set

(3) When completely set blend smooth adding a little water if required and add salt

Garlic Candy

50g Garlic (Thinly sliced)

150g sugar

150g water

(1) In a pan add water and sugar, bring to the boil and boil under sugar has completely dissolved without color

(2) Add sliced garlic and simmer for 2 – 3 minutes until garlic starts to become translucent

(3) Remove garlic from syrup and place onto baking paper and allow to dry

(4) Fry at 140 oC until golden (Tip the garlic will not be fully crisp util it cools)

To serve

(1) Freshly cut beef and mix with salt, pepper, whole grain mustard and parsley to desired taste

(2) Place beef onto plate

(3) On top of beef add some sliced cured anchovy fillets and all remaining ingredients as pictured

(4) Before eating mix all ingredients together until well incorporated

(5) Enjoy!

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