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Writer's pictureChef James Oakley

Salt marsh lamb, glazed belly, loin, cumin ratatouille, crisp potato cannelloni

Lamb belly

1kg Lamb belly

15g sea salt

10g cumin seeds

8g ground coriander

2 cloves

15g fresh thyme

15g garlic

5g fennel seeds

40g extra virgin olive oil

(1) Remove skin and bones from the lamb belly and cut into two even pieces

(2) Mix all remaining ingredients together, rub into the lamb belly and marinade for 12 hours

(3) Rinse lamb belly and pat dry with a towel

(4) Sandwich together the two pieces of lamb belly fat side facing out

(5) Place into sous vide bag and vacuum pack completely removing all air

(6) Cook in water bath at 65oC for 12 hours

(7) Whilst still warm press lamb belly flat with heavy weight until completely cool

(8) Cut into desired shape, size and pan fry all sides rendering the fat

(9) Coat lamb belly generously in lamb jus and glaze under the salamander

Cumin and Capricciosa ratatouille

50g red bell pepper

50g green zucchini

50g yellow zucchini

50g eggplant

30g shallot

15g garlic

10g cumin seeds

300g Capricciosa sauce

(1) Mince garlic and Dice bell pepper, zucchini, eggplant, shallot all equal in size removing seeds

(2) In a pan sweat shallot, garlic and cumin seeds with extra virgin olive oil

(3) When shallot starts to become tender add zucchini and lightly cook

(4) Then add eggplant and continue to cook until vegetables are 50% cooked

(5) Add Capricciosa sauce and simmer on a low heat, continue to cook until reduced to a thick consistency with a deed red color, season with salt and pepper

Crisp potato cannelloni

2 large Agria potatoes

10g fresh thyme

5g garlic

50g double cream

15g butter

(1) Using a Japanese rotating slicer, slice one of the Agria potatoes into one complete long strip 2mm in thickness

(2) Take a long metal tube and wrap completely in non-stick baking paper

(3) Wrap potato strip around the tube with a 2cm overlap to allow for shrinkage

(4) Use egg wash to stick the over lap

(5) Place into fryer basket overlap on the bottom and fry at 180oC until golden brown and crisp

(6) Remove potato from tube and retain for later use

(7) Dice remaining potato and place into a pan with thyme garlic and salted water

(8) Bring to the boil and cook until potato is soft

(9) Drain water, whilst still hot pass the potato, thyme, garlic through a drum sieve

(10) In a pan bring cream to boil, add potato and cook to thick consistency and beat in butter

(11) Season with salt and place into a piping bag

(12) Pipe into crisp potato tube and serve immediately

Lamb Jus

6kg Lamb bones

4 liter chicken stock

200g Diced carrot

200g diced onion

2 bay leaf

50g garlic

180g diced celery

300g Capricciosa sauce

20g fresh thyme

1 liter Burgundy rouge

(1) Roast lamb bone at 180oC for 40 minutes

(2) In a pan sweat Carrot, onion, celery, garlic, bay leaf, thyme until golden brown

(3) Add Capricciosa sauce and reduce by 50%

(4) Add Burgundy rouge and also reduce by 50%

(5) Add lamb bones and cover with chicken stock

(6) Bring up to a simmer and simmer for four hours continuously skimming away the fat and sediment

(7) Pass through a fine sieve and continue to reduce to intensify lamb flavor until desired sauce consistency

(8) Pass through a fine cloth for a clear jus

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